Remi just had F1B puppies. Possibly one male spot left.
Remi just had F1B puppies. Possibly one male spot left.
Jasmine lives in Wadsworth, OH and we think she is absolutely adorable! She has matured to 20 lbs which is the perfect size for her family. Her dad said that her temperament is amazing. She goes to day care two days a week and absolutely love it. They call her their little ambassador. They put her in a room with a new pup to make him/her feel more comfortable before being with the other dogs. Her best friends are a St Bernard and whoever else will play with her!
Ziggy is 32 lbs lives in North Canton, OH. His momma said that they adore him and they want to come back and get him a friend from Mini Doodles Dandy! He is very chill and loves to snuggle. Very friendly with people and dogs.
Tootsie lives in Waterford, PA and she weighs 18 lbs. Her human parents say that she is the best dog they have ever had. She is wonderful with kids and everyone that meets her just loves her. She goes everywhere with us.
Hank lives in Stow, OH. His mom said that he has a lot of spunk but that he is a good boy. He is very submissive and let the kids do whatever they want to him. He always rolls over when he is intimidated.
Emme lives in Bucyrus, OH and weighs 22 lbs. Her momma says her loves her and she is a gentle loving dog with a calm and easy-going personality.
Ocho lives in Dublin, OH and and he weighs 20 lbs. His mom said he is a good boy and goes to daycare 1-2 times a week. He's super friendly with everyone dogs and people.
F1 Mini Goldendoodle - 27 lbs
F2B Mini Goldendoodle - 21 lbs
F1B Mini Goldendoodle - 21 lbs
F1 Mini Goldendoodle - 25 lbs
F1 Mini Goldendoodle - 28 lbs
Moyen Poodle - 29 lbs